Final Fantasy VII - (personal opinion) This is, for me, THE game. One of the best games ever made, if not the best. I have only played this game twice, mainly because when I discovered my love for these types of games, FF9 was being unleashed and FF7 was nowhere to be found, and to this day my search continues for this game. (If anyone can help me please post, you would be making me the favour of my life). But as I was saying, I only played this game twice, but in those hours I was completely blown away, I never expected a mere video game to dig so deeply into someone’s feelings, to make me feel as if I really was an integral part of the story. And every little detail of this game contributed to this opinion of mine. Let’s analyse. In terms of storyline, it is captivating from the very start to its unfinished end, this story touches you and makes you feel absolutely inside the game atmosphere, you can feel about every sentiment there is too feel with this game, sadness, happiness, anger, grief, courage, fear, love, hate…. It is a cultural treasure as it even can make you think about yourself as you make each choice throughout the game. The detail that was incredibly unveiling of Square’s intent of making “Final Fantasy VII – Advent Children” was the fact that it was the only chapter of FF that didn’t say “The end”; so I always thought the game would have either a preceding game or movie, or maybe even a remake. I have pondered the best possibilities, and I have found that there is a petition that you can sign if you believe that a remake of FF7 for PS3 would be a good idea, if you want to sign click here. I personally have signed it, but I have made some conditions, because I sincerely believe that the only thing to upgrade in a remake of this game would be the graphics AND NOTHING MORE. Maintain the music, don’t change it in anyway for it is the flesh of the game, and don’t even think about changing the battle mode to the same as Final Fantasy XII or Final Fantasy VII – Crisis Core, because by doing this Square would be damaging the very skeleton of FF7. I have also suggested the idea to Square to make a game version of FF7 – Advent Children, if you believe in this suggestion please post. Back to the original FF7, and as I was saying its graphical work was at that time an astounding work of art (another reason for me to pick my jaw of the floor when I played this game for the first time) and for me I wouldn’t mind if the original game didn’t change in any way, so I created that possibility and presented it to Square; As for it’s musical score, I haven’t played FF7 in years (because I’m still looking for it) and I can still remember the songs, they can really reach into your very soul, since the beginning symphony, to the epic battle songs, to the beautiful tune of Aeris. Its characters are emblematic, ideological and charismatic (a thing that would have made FF9 a much greater game). They give you a real sense of where they stand philosophically, every state of mind, every personality is unique. In my opinion, 5 words… THE GAME OF MY LIFE!
A game to remember forever.
RZ RATING (1 to 10): 10
A game to remember forever.
RZ RATING (1 to 10): 10

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