Breath of Fire III – My first RPG game. I bought it when I was about 8 or 9 years old and I still feel a connection to it, for it introduced me to this style of video game which I, now, love.
This is and has always been another of my personal favourite games, but most people don’t even know of its existence. It is another case of a game that should have been given more publicity; its games like these that really develop your culture as it has a incredibly mature theme that makes you think, and, in my opinion, that is what a excellent game must do. In revision of this game, I should salient that its graphics aren’t optimal (but 2D never hurt anyone), but the combat sequences are very good, I just found one problem with these, the player doesn’t run towards the opponent when attacks, it is as if I were to attack you and you are 20mts away from me and I just swing my sword in the air, but you still get attacked. How? Beats me. But the rest is pretty impressive with well thought game planning. My favourite detail in this game is the fact that you follow the development of the main character since his childhood to his teenage days, but not only that, other characters will change with time which is a great detail for a game, and increases the feeling of its story. Another great detail in this game is that you need crystals that make you main character transform into a dragon, the beauty in this is that you can collect about 30 crystals, and in one transformation you can combine up to 3 of them, this makes the game very intriguing because it gives you hundreds of possible combinations, which gives you different types of dragons. I’m trying to find all of the combinations, if you can help me, please post! A classic adventure.
RZ RATING (1 to 10): 8,5
Breath of Fire III's Characters:

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