Mortal Kombat Armageddon - (personal opinion) Well as you know, the Mortal Kombat games are one of the best known beat em up games on Earth (Earthrealm if you like). I have always been a great fan of Mortal Kombat and Tekken, but i do believe that MK still has a lot to improve on if it wants to rival up to Tekken. I'll give you the example of Armageddon...
On the positive side there are more than 60 characters to play in this eddition, but there is the problem of the lack of substancial combos, even though the mid air combos have been added (you gain in quantity and lose in quality). I have nothing to argue about the "Kreate-A-Fighter" mode, its a good improvement, nothing much to say about it, the name of the mode says it all. (oh, you can create such characters as Goku and Superman in this game lol). As for the minigame mode "Motor-Kombat" i found it very pleasent, for it is a kind of "Crash Team Racing" in hardcore. Well up untill know the game does have some great atributtes to become a good success, if it wasn't for some problems....
Mortal Kombat is known for it's fatalities, which you always have to find how to make them as they don't come in the manual... Well, you might not have my opinion but, i believe that Midway did wrong when they deleted completely the original Fatalities of each character and replaced them all with a "Kreate-A-Fatality" design. I don't know if you, the reader, have a diferent oppinion, but i really like exclusivity, and when i make a fatality, i enjoy doing it in the knoledge that no one but my haracter can use it. With "Kreate-A-Fatality" my Fatality is your Fatality..... In my point of view, Midway should include in this mode the original finishers... for example... you start the fatality by making those normal combos (right,right,square;down,down,X;etc) but in the end there should be aspecial button (R1, example) that finishes off your oponnent with an original fatality. (plus, i miss the brutalities, animalities, babalities and friendships....)
Another problem i have found with this game are the endings.... Midway should really improve this sector of MK. Because after you have fought your way up to the final boss (Blaze), and you actually beat him...there is practicly no story nor images... Your character will simply make some combat moves on top of a piramid and the story will be read to you. To me that disapoints greatly.
Finaly, my last piece of constructive criticism goes to the "Konquest" mode, which although it is a quite good gaming experience, it lacks in variety... for you only play with one charcter out of more than 60. I reckon that MKA would have had a much better response if they would have made a "Konquest" mode for more characters (it doesn't matter if the mode became shorter, at least you could explore more of each character's story). In the end, MKA is a good game, but in the right hands, it can be Grandious.
Armageddon has begun
RZ RATING (1 to 10): 7
Mortal Kombat Armagedon's Characters:

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