Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee – (personal opinion) This is one strange but very entertaining game. It gives you a very different experience from other games. I first saw this game in a Playstation demo CD and thought it wasn’t much of a game but I got so curious that I started playing it and in time I started to see what an intelligent game that was. Remember Flashback for the Sega Megadrive? It has the same gameplay, but instead of a man with a gun, you play with a alien that has to save his friends (99 of them if I am not mistaken) from slavery and annihilation by making them run through escape portals your character summons. The intelligent bit about this is that most of the time you cannot be seen by the enemy or you (or your friends) will be shot. For the purpose of saving your 99 friends your character has only the ability to talk (by saying "hi" and "follow me", "wait", etc) and the ability to possess one certain enemies, making them do whatever you want (note that it takes time to possess and you cannot do it in front of the enemy, obviously), so, as you can see, this game has a great plot and a revolutionary gameplay. As for graphics, this game is played entirely with your character in side view, almost 2D but it is actually 3D, for you have always a sense of depth in the game, but can’t quite explore it. But this level of graphics makes the game very interesting and, in my opinion, better than if it was made in 3D. In terms of the sound capability, Abe’s Odyssey has an adequate music and sound effects, that don’t dissimulate the effect the game has on the player, and I particularly like the sinister and dark beginning music. Another great detail of this game is the fact that in the end of the game there are two possible scenarios, if you were a great hero and saved at least half of the aliens you were supposed to save you get the good scenario; if you were slack and didn’t give a shit about your friends and had less than half of the aliens saved, you get the bad ending; which makes you fight not only for your survival but also for the survival of your friends (if this doesn’t make you any less selfish, you are hopeless).
In the end, this was a great surprise for me as a game, and I know that it could be for you too.
A game where you must be the true hero
RZ RATING (1 to 10): 7,5
In the end, this was a great surprise for me as a game, and I know that it could be for you too.
A game where you must be the true hero
RZ RATING (1 to 10): 7,5
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